9-1 | Hetero-Integration of InP Chiplets on a 300 mm RF Silicon Interposer for mm-wave Applications

Event Time

Originally Aired - Monday, December 9 1:35 PM - 2:00 PM PST

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Location: Imperial A

Event Information

Title: 9-1 | Hetero-Integration of InP Chiplets on a 300 mm RF Silicon Interposer for mm-wave Applications

Description: Authors: Siddhartha Sinha, IMEC|Hamideh Jafarpoorchekab, IMEC|Nelson Pinho, IMEC|Damien Leech, IMEC|Koen Kennes, IMEC|Francois Chancerel, IMEC|Angel Uruena, IMEC|Ehsan Shafahian, IMEC|Melina Lofrano, IMEC|Andy Miller, IMEC|Eric Beyne, IMEC|Nadine Collaert, IMEC|Xiao Sun, IMEC

Hetero-Integration of InP Chiplets on a 300 mm RF Silicon Interposer is reported with interposer line loss of 0.23-0.3 dB/mm, flip-chip interconnect loss of 0.1 dB both at 140 GHz. Hetero-integrated PA has16.3 dB small-signal gain, 116-148 GHz bandwidth, P1dB of 13-15 dBm and 15-28 % PAE.

Type: Technical Session


Parent Sessions

Monday, December 9, 2024 - 01:30 PM
9 | PMA | High Performance III-V and WBG RF FETs


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